创建新的apple id_Google是新的Apple吗?
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创建新的apple id

by Sumit Gupta

由Sumit Gupta

Google是新的Apple吗? (Is Google the new Apple?)

随着众多设备的推出,谷歌试图击败苹果。 “由Google制造”会使Google更像Apple吗? (With the launch of numerous devices, Google is trying to beat Apple. Is “Made by Google” making Google more like Apple?)

Google has been a software company and has always followed the strategy of licensing. It makes the software but never actually makes a product out of it. Until now, it had Samsung, HTC & LG designing its hardware. Unlike Apple, which has always been creating its own software and hardware.

Google一直是软件公司,一直遵循许可策略。 它可以制作软件,但实际上从不制作产品。 到目前为止,它由三星,HTC和LG设计其硬件。 与苹果不同,苹果一直在创建自己的软件和硬件。

Since last year, Google has ventured into manufacturing. They created an initiative “Made by Google” to get into premium devices.

从去年开始,谷歌开始涉足制造业。 他们创建了一项“由Google制造”的计划,以涉足高级设备。

Back in 2007, while launching iPhone, Steve Jobs quoted Alan Kay,

回顾2007年,史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)在发布iPhone时引用了艾伦·凯(Alan Kay)的话,

“People who are really serious about software should make their own hardware.”

Apple disrupted the market so hard that no one has surpassed Apple in the smartphone race yet. Whatever Apple does, everyone follows. More accurately, Apple has pulled off things which others couldn’t and now, even they follow Apple.

苹果公司如此严重地破坏了市场,以至于没有人能在智能手机竞赛中超越苹果公司。 无论苹果做什么,每个人都会跟随。 更准确地说,苹果已经完成了其他人现在无法做到的事情,即使他们跟随苹果。

In the past, Microsoft did beat Apple in personal computer space.


What did Microsoft do?


Google, Samsung and many more tried to beat Apple this way. Google makes the software and its partners make hardware. Just like Microsoft made Windows and Dell made PC. But this time everyone is failing.

谷歌,三星和其他公司试图以此方式击败苹果。 Google制造软件,而其合作伙伴制造硬件。 就像微软制造Windows和戴尔制造PC。 但是这次所有人都失败了。

What is everyone missing?


“There’s no other company that could make a MacBook Air and the reason is that not only do we control the hardware, but we control the operating system. And it is the intimate interaction between the operating system and the hardware that allows us to do that. There is no intimate interaction between Windows and a Dell notebook.” — Steve Jobs
“没有其他公司可以制造MacBook Air,原因是我们不仅控制硬件,而且控制操作系统。 正是操作系统与硬件之间的密切互动才使我们能够做到这一点。 Windows和戴尔笔记本电脑之间没有亲密的互动。” —史蒂夫·乔布斯

A lot of Apple products are considered benchmarks and it’s because of how revolutionary they are. Others follow standards and end up making things which are similar to one another.

许多Apple产品被认为是基准测试,这是因为它们具有革命性。 其他人则遵循标准并最终制造出彼此相似的东西。

Try shopping for an Android phone, you’ll find a lot of options that are more or less same. It’s confusing what’s better.

尝试购买Android手机时,您会发现很多或多或少相同的选择。 更好的事情令人困惑。

“Quality is more important than quantity. One home run is much better than two doubles. ” — Steve Jobs
“质量比数量更重要。 一次本垒打比两次翻倍好得多。 ” —史蒂夫·乔布斯

Apple makes one phone each year. Though Apple has started offering different sizes for a model, nevertheless they can be categorised as one flagship.

苹果每年生产一部手机。 尽管苹果公司已经开始为模型提供不同尺寸的产品,但是它们可以被归类为旗舰产品。

With an iPhone, you just buy an iPhone. You can trust it’s the best Apple has to offer and it’s at par with any other phone in the market.

使用iPhone,您只需购买iPhone。 您可以放心,这是Apple所能提供的最好的产品,并且与市场上的任何其他手机都差不多。

This helps Apple create an image that an iPhone is an iPhone and not just a phone.


Microsoft realised the importance of creating its own device soon when iPad and Mac started eating its sales. Microsoft was never considered as a premium brand. For a PC this doesn’t matter much, as business is the biggest market, which wants whatever’s cost-effective. But things change drastically when it comes to consumers. They want well-designed devices.

当iPad和Mac开始抢手销售时,微软意识到了创建自己的设备的重要性。 微软从未被视为优质品牌。 对于PC而言,这无关紧要,因为企业是最大的市场,因此想要具有成本效益的一切。 但是,对于消费者而言,情况发生了巨大变化。 他们需要设计精良的设备。

Microsoft’s partners were not able to do so. Every partner wanted to stand out among themselves but in reality, they all were just a variation of one another.Microsoft soon realised this and launch their own line of products named “Surface”. This product line is being received very well, they are considered premium. A surface product is seen as the best marriage of Windows and hardware. Remember ?

微软的合作伙伴无法做到这一点。 每个合作伙伴都想在彼此之间脱颖而出,但实际上,它们只是彼此的一种变体。微软很快意识到了这一点,并推出了自己的产品系列,称为“ Surface ”。 该产品线受到好评,被认为是优质产品。 表面产品被视为Windows和硬件的最佳结合。 还记得吗?

This has worked so well for Apple & Microsoft that now Google has switched its strategy, risking relations with its partners.


Google is now making its own products like Pixel series, Chromecast, WiFi routers, Google Home and many more. Google wants to create “Pixel” a premium brand. It wants to show the best of its softwares which wasn’t possible with partnering.

Google现在正在生产自己的产品,例如Pixel系列,Chromecast,WiFi路由器,Google Home等。 Google希望创建“ Pixel ”高级品牌。 它希望展示最好的软件,而这是合作所无法实现的。

Google took things to the next level when they took the “Made by Google” strategy. Unlike Apple, Google has its hands almost everywhere, prominently in machine learning and artificial intelligence. They are putting these expertise to good use when creating their own set of products.

Google采取“ 由Google制造 ”策略时,将事情推向了新的高度。 与苹果不同,谷歌几乎无处不在,在机器学习和人工智能领域占有重要地位。 他们在创建自己的产品集时充分利用了这些专业知识。

All Google products come together very well to help you. You have the same Google assistant in your laptop, phone, speakers, also now in your ear to help you. .

所有Google产品都可以很好地为您提供帮助。 您的笔记本电脑,电话,扬声器中都有同一个Google助手,现在也可以帮助您。 。

This might have been possible when partnering. But Google choose to go solo. Maybe it’s not willing to share all its expertise with them or it might have taken more time to develop or just that Google wants perfect design and integration.

合作时这可能是可能的。 但是Google选择单打独斗。 也许它不愿意与他们分享其所有专业知识,或者它可能花费了更多的时间进行开发,或者仅仅是Google想要完美的设计和集成。

Whatever may be the reason, they are now offering their own device family just like Apple.


“Devices that work together to make life run smoother.”
— Made by Google

未来是什么样子的? (What the future holds?)

In my opinion, we will see both Apple and Google making their own devices for some time. But my belief is that Google will come out on the top when the dust settles.

我认为,苹果和谷歌将在一段时间内制造自己的设备。 但我相信,尘埃落定后,谷歌将脱颖而出。



Apple was the first to bring voice assistant to the market. But today Google Assistant is way smarter than Siri.

苹果是第一个将语音助手推向市场的公司。 但是如今,Google助手比Siri更聪明。

Apple is not going to sit and watch Google win. They are hiring talented people in AI and machine learning. But Google sure has an upper hand in coming war.

苹果不会坐视谷歌获胜。 他们正在招聘AI和机器学习方面的人才。 但是谷歌肯定会在战争中占上风。

Watch the launch videos of and if you haven’t. What do you feel after watching them?

观看和的启动视频。 看着他们后感觉如何?

Do you think Google is becoming like Apple?


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创建新的apple id


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